My Courses

  • Let Your Light Shine!

    A favorite Sunday School/VBS song of mine has always been This Little Light of Mine. It’s a great song, with a catchy tune, and lyrics that are, at the same […]

  • Alice Heard the Truth

    Fall Foliage Day Sermon Marianne Brock Nawakwa Mark 10:17-31 I don’t know about you, but I can totally relate to the people in today’s gospel. There have been a number […]

  • A Three-Legged Stool Never Wobbles

    A three-legged stool never wobbles. Each leg works to support the seat and share the weight placed on the stool. It’s a simple design, employed by Kirchenwald’s Back Country Outpost […]

  • Hannah Didn’t Fit in Anywhere

    Hannah didn’t fit in anywhere. Beyond grade school, public school was not a good fit. Homeschooling wasn’t the right answer. Her congregation’s youth group was welcoming, but the kids there […]