Leadership Training Camp (Synod Event)
Nawakwa 1033 Nawakwa Rd, Biglerville, PA, United StatesCongregations are invited to identify young leaders in grades 8-12, who display gifts for leadership and who might like to strengthen those gifts in service to God and others, and to recommend them for our annual synod Leadership Training Camp (LT Camp). Participants attend at NO COST, thanks to generous financial support from Chris & […]
Kirchenwald Camp-K-tion (Family Camp)
Kirchenwald 1 Cut Off Rd, Lebanon, PA, United StatesCamp Kirchenwald proudly presents the family vacation everyone can enjoy! Celebrate your family (whatever its form – grandparents, children, niece, second cousin twice removed…) in this unique camp experience. Grow closer together and closer to God through inter-generational Bible study, worship, swimming, crafts, canoeing, Capture the Flag, and more. Strengthen the bonds of family by […]
August Family Camp
Nawakwa 1033 Nawakwa Rd, Biglerville, PA, United StatesFamilies of all sorts of shapes and sizes have been coming to Nawakwa for over forty years! For two weeks each summer, family units move into Nawakwa’s cabins and lodges and create a unique community indeed! Many adults spend the morning hours in Bible study with a pastor-in-residence while the kid-size campers are divided by […]
Tuesday Morning Work Day at Nawakwa!
Nawakwa 1033 Nawakwa Rd, Biglerville, PA, United StatesJoin Paul Askey, our property manager, in assisting with work around Nawakwa the first Tuesday of each month. Work is anything from maintaining our trails to hanging pictures/plaques. Nawakwa is a large property, and your help will not only help us maintain our property and buildings but make them better. Your hands, Gods work. Start […]
Tuesday Morning Work Day at Nawakwa!
Nawakwa 1033 Nawakwa Rd, Biglerville, PA, United StatesJoin Paul Askey, our property manager, in assisting with work around Nawakwa the first Tuesday of each month. Work is anything from maintaining our trails to hanging pictures/plaques. Nawakwa is a large property, and your help will not only help us maintain our property and buildings but make them better. Your hands, Gods work. Start […]
Nawakwa 1033 Nawakwa Rd, Biglerville, PA, United StatesALiVE is the Lower Susquehanna Synod's annual middle-school retreat. Our annual fall retreat is scheduled for September 23-25, 2022, at Camp Nawakwa.
Capture the Flag Spectacular
Kirchenwald 1 Cut Off Rd, Lebanon, PA, United StatesReview your camp map, paint your face, and practice your cone zone celebration dance. Invite your friends and family (parents, too) to join you in this CTF summer reunion event. Play alongside familiar faces from your week at camp, plus campers from every other week of the summer. Campfire worship to follow.
Tuesday Morning Work Day at Nawakwa!
Nawakwa 1033 Nawakwa Rd, Biglerville, PA, United StatesJoin Paul Askey, our property manager, in assisting with work around Nawakwa the first Tuesday of each month. Work is anything from maintaining our trails to hanging pictures/plaques. Nawakwa is a large property, and your help will not only help us maintain our property and buildings but make them better. Your hands, Gods work. Start […]
Adult Study Retreat
Nawakwa 1033 Nawakwa Rd, Biglerville, PA, United StatesA Book Study Retreat at Nawakwa. Books can be found on the website. All meals (7) are included in the price and served at the Dining Hall. This mid-week retreat begins Tuesday morning and ends with lunch on Thursday.
Fall Foliage Day at Nawakwa
Nawakwa 1033 Nawakwa Rd, Biglerville, PA, United StatesReturn to camp for the afternoon to enjoy fall activities, worship, and a picnic supper. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet up with old friends or introduce new folks to camp. An evening meal is included.