This is a Lower Susquehanna Synod sponsored event. More information can be found at https://www.lss-elca.org/alive/
There’s nothing quite like a weekend of authentic community with Christian friends in the fall at Camp Nawakwa. Join us for ALIVE, our event for middle-school youth and advisors, scheduled for September 26-28, 2025, at Camp Nawakwa. Youth who are entering grades 6-8, are eligible to attend with their congregation advisors. It’s a great way to begin the new school year immersed in a loving community of Lutheran peers and leaders. Registration opens in March, so please consider adding it to your fall youth ministry calendars, now.
Congregational youth leaders are encouraged to register their youth using our digital registration portal. The event fee is $142/person for the full weekend. You can opt to pay the $50 deposit or to pay for the event in full with a credit card, when you register. If you’d prefer, you can choose the ‘invoice’ option. The invoice will be sent by email to the primary leader, so you can print and have a check prepared and mailed from your treasurer to the synod office. Visit our website for details, history of the event, and printable pdf forms to help you inform parents and promote the event to your congregation and families: https://www.lss-elca.org/alive/. We encourage to begin talking with families of current 5th graders now.
Our theme, ‘Better Together’ dives into our Lutheran understanding of being part of a larger community of Christ. Drawing upon some of the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s understanding of the ‘beloved community’ and the value of every human being, we will explore how being united to Christ and others, deepens and enriches our lives. Fun, fellowship, campfies, faith formation and inspired worship all highlight this annual fall event. We hope you’ll make it part of your youth group year!