About the Lutheran Camping Corporation

The Lutheran Camping Corporation of Central Pennsylvania operates three facilities within the Lower Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. These facilities are Kirchenwald, Nawakwa, and The Wittel Farm. They offer a wide variety of outdoor experiences in a uniquely Lutheran tradition.

Summer camping programs for young people are offered at Nawakwa and Kirchenwald. Programs such as sports camps, outdoor wilderness camps, canoe camps, bike camps, and the traditional small group resident camp programs offer a wide variety of exciting programs for young people.

There are also retreat programs for all ages throughout the year. In addition, there are facilities available for rent by retreat groups. Retreat groups primarily, but not exclusively, are church groups. Retreat groups also include school groups, families, individuals, and other organizations. Outdoor education experiences for groups are also possible.

The Wittel Farm, a working farm, has a house of prayer for individual spiritual retreats. This facility is ideal for pastors and lay people who are looking for a quiet time of meditation and prayer in Central Pennsylvania.


The Church in a place and time apart where Christ’s love is experienced and faith is renewed.


As a gracious expression of God’s love, LCC provides a creative Christ-centered ministry for people in all stages of life, working in partnership
with congregations and others, for service and proclamation of the Gospel.

Outcome Goals:

Outdoor ministry experiences are growth experiences. Participants will grow spiritually, mature emotionally, and gain confidence to lead faithfully. Campers are encouraged to be active Christian disciples who live and proclaim the Gospel.


We are affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Lutheran Outdoor Ministries.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaLutheran Outdoor Ministries

A Reconciling In Christ Organization

Reconciling In Christ

The Lutheran Camping Corporation of Central Pennsylvania holds to the belief that God is the maker of all good things. We acknowledge that we, God’s people, are made in many different ways, but all are beautifully made and loved by God. This ministry extends its hands to invite, love, and affirm those of all different identities and backgrounds including: race, ethnicity, origin, religion, creed, ability, economic status, orientation, and gender identity and expression.  Read More…

Strategic Plan

Strategic PlanThe LCC Board of Directors has adopted a strategic plan in 2024 to discern where God is calling us and to intentionally plan for our life and work together at LCC. Read more…

© 2025 The Lutheran Camping Corporation of Central Pennsylvania